If it’s academia, industry, international/government,
national laboratories, or utilities, WE DO IT!
A unique aspect that we bring to our clients is the ability to work with a wide range of institutions (academic, industry, international, national laboratories, utilities) in a variety of disciplines (science, engineering, manufacturing, nuclear / environmental cleanup, security, IT, logistics).
Among our university clients are such prestigious institutions as Northwestern University, University of Chicago, University of Illinois (all campuses), University of California-Berkeley, to name a few. |
Our industrial clients hail from a variety of disciplines and range from large to small businesses, including AREVA, AT&T, Battelle, B&W, General Dynamics, General Electric, Kurion, Total, URS, and dozens more. We have worked both for international agencies and Governments including those in England, Germany, France, and Japan. Both DoD and DOE national laboratories are among our client base including the DoD Army Research Laboratory and DOEs Argonne, Berkeley, Pacific Northwest, Sandia, Savannah River, and SLAC national laboratories.
This versatility has become synonymous with The Document Lab. |